Monday, January 18, 2010


The Republic of Equatorial Guinea is a fast growing country in Equatorial Africa, being an ex communist and poor country, Guinea Ecuatorial enjoys Petrol and extremely wealthy economy one of the fastest growing in the world.

Equatorial Guinea was under one of the oldest Communist dictatorship in Africa, My president Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo brought to the country wealth and security before 1979 was even forbidden to hold a Passport or a Bank Account many people were killed or they had to escape abroad almost 25%of Guinea Ecuatorial population was killed or disappeared under Macias regime, unfortunately for me to say that Amnesty International never helped us when the people died during macias regime no one cared to help Equatorial Guinea simply because was a very poor country many children died of hunger and all human rights where deprived .

President Obiang worked under Former Dictator Macias for many years he suffered the killings of some of his family and friends by Macias when President Obiang come into Government the Treasury of the Country was disappeared

A group of young officers of our Government they took the Government in 1979 and make Guinea Ecuatorial FREE , many people where in PRISON under very long sentences and today am happy to say that some of this former political prisoners are some of the best Diplomats and Ambassadors we have in Equatorial Guinea.

President Obiang started developing GUINEA ECUATORIAL alone with the help of our senior Government officials, there was an attempted Military Coup in 2004 by terrorist forces and we have overcome that many people where involved including many foreign intellectual who try to get an important position for their life agenda, in different occasion I have been pinpointed by some of those people just because I love to work for the people of Equatorial Guinea and help my brothers in Africa who wants to be inserted in the International community and thanks to my President Obiang today I must say Equatorial Guinea is in the International community.

President Obiang is a man that lives in Diplomatic harmony with all country of the globe we have also used cultural diplomacy much before than many other countries and we have diplomatic relations with all countries including those who where friend with Macias regime my President is a contributor to the Perestroika and was one of the first head of state in Africa to send a diplomatic mission to President Gorbachov.

Guinea Ecuatorial being a Spanish Speaking country in the near future could join the Mercosur i hope and could be the Hub for Latin America country into Africa and that could next two continents and millions of people.

Equatorial Guinea is sovereign and independent being a ex Spanish Colony the only one who speaks Spanish in Africa we are part of the Francophone Community and all international agencies including the United Nations.

Equatorial Guinea in the last few years has been converted in a fast growing country most of this is thanks to the United States of America who helped us in finding petrol.

Anyone is free to go to Equatorial Guinea for Investment all capital is protected according to International law; there are some of the best banks in Central Africa.

We have a good medical service that is improving daily. Furthermore the treatment for AIDS to all is free and is supported by the state of Equatorial Guinea, we are running many programs to help people. The country is in continuo’s reconstruction after so many years of post colonial infernal communism. Equatorial Guinea has a very secure environment and is Crime Free. We welcome any investor to contact the embassy of Equatorial Guinea closest to his country or myself for any further information’s on how to invest in Equatorial Guinea. Thank you for visiting Equatorial Guinea in the web and please visit my web page at

Your Consul ,
Professor Eugenio CALIGIURI Mb.Bs, Jd . Phd
Honorary Consul for Equatorial Guinea Jurisdiction ALL Romania, Professor of International Law and Relations

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